Popytayus’, voydu
v tvoyu
Lyubov’ – slovo v krov’
Avtostopom pryamo k syerdtsu dobyerus’
Nye prikhodit grust’.
I lyepyestkami
Ty udesh’ vser’yez so mnoy
No razoydyemsya vnov’
“A ty protsti” v moikh glazakh
Boyus’ ostat’sya s toboy
A ty poymi, chto ya ne ta
No ya ne vyeryu drugroy
Tol’ko, Tol’ko
Ya ne vyeryu drugroy
Tol’ko, tol’ko
Ne vyeryu drugoy…
I soydutsya nashi
tyeni vmesto nas
Vryemyena povyernutsya na mgnovyen’ye k nam s toboy svetom iz okna
I lyepyestkami slyez nye sorvannykh tsvyetov
Lyetit moya lyubov’
“A ty protsti” v moikh glazakh
Boyus’ ostat’sya s toboy
A ty poymi, chto ya ne ta
No ya ne vyeryu drugroy
Tol’ko, Tol’ko
Ya ne vyeryu drugroy
Tol’ko, tol’ko
Ne veryu drugoy..
“A ty protsti” v
moikh glazakh
Ty poymi, chto ya ne ta
“A ty protsti” v moikh glazakh
Boyus’ ostat’sya s toboy
A ty poymi, chto ya ne ta
No ya ne vyeryu drugroy
Tol’ko, Tol’ko
Ya ne vyeryu drugroy
Tol’ko, tol’ko
A byez tebya
Zyemlya tsvyetyet lyepyestkami
Tsvyetyet lyepyestkami slyez
A byez tebya Luna tsvyetyet lyepyestkami
Tsvyetyet lyepyestkami slyez
A byez tyebya
zyemlya tsvyetyet lyepyestkami
Tsvyetyet lyepyestkami slyez
A byez tebya luna tsvyetyet lyepyestkami
Tsvyetyet lyepyestkami
Like blood I'll
try to enter your love
Straight to the heart I'll hitchhike
Where sadness comes
And on petals of
You'll go with me for true
But we'll part again
Read it in my eyes
- I'm afraid to stay with you
Understand I'm not
the same
- But I can't trust another girl
It's just that,
just that
I can't trust another girl
It's just that, just that...
Can't trust
another girl
And for sometime
our shadows will get together instead of us
They will turn to you and me on the light from the window
And on petals of tears from unpicked flowers
Flies my love
Read it in my eyes
- I'm afraid to stay with you
Understand I'm not the same
- But I can't trust another girl
It's just that,
just that
I can't trust another girl
It's just that, just that...
I'll try...
Read it in my eyes
Understand I'm not the same
Read it in my eyes
- I'm afraid to stay with you
Understand I'm not the same
- But I can't trust another girl
And without you
the Earth...
- Flowers with petals of tears
And without you the Moon...
- Flowers with petals of tears
And without you
the Earth...
- Flowers with petals of tears
And without you the Moon...
- Flowers with petals of tears
Incerc, sa intru in iubirea ta, ca singele
Cu autostopul ajung direct la inima ta,
Unde tristetea vine
Si pe petalele in lacrimi
Tu pleci impreuna cu mine
Dar ne despartim din nou...
Tu citeste in ochii mei:
- Mi-e frica sa ramin cu tine
Intelege, eu nu sunt aceeasi,
- Eu nu cred in alta
Numai ca, numai ca,
eu nu mai cred in alta
Numai ca, numai ca,
Eu nu mai cred in alta
Si pentruputin timp umbrele noastre
Vor fi impreuna, in locul nostru
Vremurile se vor intoarce pentru o clipa la noi
Ca lumina din
Si pe petalele de lacrimi din florile neculese
Zboara iubirea mea...
Tu citeste in ochii mei:
- Mi-e frica sa ramin cu
Intelege, eu nu sunt aceeasi,
Eu nu mai cred in alta
Numai ca, numai ca,
Eu nu cred in alta
Numai ca, numai ca
Eu nu mai cred in alta
Voi incerca
Si fara tine Pamintul infloreste petalele
Infloreste petalele in lacrimi...
Si fara tine Luna infloreste petalele
Infloreste petatele in lacrimi...
Si fara tine Pamintul infloreste petalele
Infloreste petalele in lacrimi...
Si fara tine Luna infloreste petalele
Infloreste petatele in lacrimi...